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How does light color affect plant growth?

March 6, 2025 by
How does light color affect plant growth?
Bilberry Sp. z.o.o., Krzysztof Dobrynin
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Obtaining a good yield depends on meeting the plants' needs in terms of their habitat requirements. Their proper growth is determined by the quality and appropriate pH of the soil, nutrients, as well as the proper temperature.

One of the most important factors influencing the development of individual species and varieties is, of course, light. The beneficial effect of light on plant growth is a well-known fact, which is why it is so essential to provide them with the appropriate amount and quality of light.

Are you wondering which color of light is most suitable for cultivated plants? We invite you to read on, as in today's post we will take a closer look at the issue of light's impact on plants.

Influence of daylight on plants

The duration of light exposure during the day affects the process of photosynthesis – as a result of which organic matter is produced – as well as physiological processes such as germination, growth, and flowering of plants. The intensity of photosynthesis increases with the intensity of light, while its deficits lead to reduced yields, making the provision of photosynthetically active light a key issue for cultivation. Insufficient light causes wilting and so-called chlorosis, which is a disease characterized by the gradual yellowing of the plant. On the other hand, excessive lighting can lead to stunted growth, red discoloration of leaves, shortening of shoots, and accelerated flowering and fruiting.

Our climatic zone is characterized by periodic shortages of natural light, which creates the need for supplemental lighting of greenhouse crops using artificial lighting. In agriculture, the intensity of light is influenced by the amount and density of sowing, row spacing, and increasing the assimilatory surface area of plants.

What color of light is most beneficial for plants?

Although light is selectively absorbed by chlorophyll, the influence of light color on plant growth is invaluable. What color of light is therefore the most beneficial for plants?

The wavelength of light in the context of cultivation has become the subject of scientific research, which has allowed us to understand how it affects the growth rate and morphological characteristics of plants.

The beautiful green color of plants is caused by their reflection of most green light while absorbing blue, violet, red, and infrared light. Although blue and red light are the most effective for photosynthesis, scientists have proven that even less effective wavelengths are extremely important for plants.

In large quantities, they absorb blue light, which causes an increase in green mass, while ultraviolet light significantly affects leaf thickening and their resistance to pests. When it comes to stimulating germination, bud development, and flowering, the red and far-red light colors play a crucial role. According to the conducted research, the key color is dark red (which makes up about half of the mixture) and the red color, which together with blue and royal blue colors account for about 20% of the total energy supplied to the plant. An additional dose is provided by infrared light, which is utilized, for example, during flowering.

What color of light most effectively influences plant growth?

Scientific experiments have shown a close relationship between the rate and direction of plant growth and the type of light provided to them. Which color of light, therefore, most effectively influences their growth? Plants utilize wavelengths differently, absorbing light only from certain ranges. Research has confirmed that the color of light can stimulate plant growth in the desired direction, and higher quality crops can be achieved by supplementing with light other than white. Appropriate light mixtures result in, among other things: a stronger root system, compact growth, abundant flowering, long stems, and significant increases in green mass.

Selecting specific combinations of light colors, in accordance with the reactions of individual species and varieties to certain spectral compositions, effectively contributes to the proper growth of plants and abundant yields.

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